f; The phrase template file reresents the phrase used by the simulation
; to crease stitched sounds.
; Phrases are expressed using a simple expression/functional language.
; The following variables exist in the phrase language:
; FORMATION_WITH_POSITION - This variable returns the formation name plus the position of the entity in the formation (i.e. Austin1)
; FORMATION - This variable returns the formation name (i.e. Austin)
; SPLASHED - This variable returns the subtype of the last entity to be destroyed.
; SPLASHING - This variable returns the subtype of the last entity to destroy.
; SUBTYPE - returns the subtype of the entity (bandit, flogger, etc ...)
; SHOOTING_ENTITY - This variable returns the entity shooting on this entity.
; LOCKED_ON_ENTITY - This variable returns the entity locked on by this entity,
; THIS - This variable returns this entity.
; CONTROLLED_AIRCRAFT - This variable returns the controlled entity aircraft.
; FIRE_TYPE - This variable returns the fire type being shot on this entity (JINK_GUNS!, BREAK_MISSILE! etc...).
; FOX_FIRE_TYPE - This function returns the missile count fired used by the fox fire message.
; TALLY_ENTITY - This is the entity that we just saw.
; RADAR_MISSILE_COUNT - This is the number of radar missiles available.
; HEAT_MISSILE_COUNT - This is the number of heat missiles available.
; FUEL_LOAD - This is the fuel load available (FULL, HALF, BINGO).
; TOWER_NAME - This is the name of the current controll tower.
; FLIGHT_CONTROLLER_NAME - This is the name of the current flight controller (AWACS).
; PLANE_FORMATION_POS - This is the position of the plane in the formation ("One" - "Four")
; WIND - This is the simulation wind speed and direction.
; TANKER_ENTITY - This is the tanker entity.
; UP_DOWN_BOOMER - This is the direction to which the boomer needs to move as a string.
; ENGAGED_TYPE - This is the type of object the entity is engaging
; The following functions exist in the phrase language:
; GET_ENTITY_FORMATION - This function accepts an entity name and returns its formation.
; GET_ENTITY_FORMATION_WITH_POS - This function returns the entities formation and its position within the formation.
; GET_ENTITY_HEADING - This function returns the heading of the given entity.
; GET_ENTITY_DISTANCE - This function returns the distance of the given entity.
; GET_ENTITY_HEIGHT - This function returns the height of the given entity.
; IF - This function evaluates the first expression, if it is true it returns all of the strings before the ELSE otherwize it returns the strings after the ELSE. This function may accept any length of parameters.
; DIRECTION_AS_HOURS - This function returns the direction to an entity as hours (i.e. 7OCLOCK etc...).
; ABS_DIRECTION_AS_DEGREES - The bearing from the first entity to the second in world degrees
; INVOKE_PHRASE - This function invokes a phrase, it may accept the phrase name and optionaly the entity name. By default the current entity is used as the entity under which the phrase is invoked.
; IS_TWO_SEATER - This boolean function returns true if the phrase is a two seater plane.
; IS - This boolean function evaluates varios phrases and returns the result.
; RANDOM_VALUE - This function accepts any number of variables and returns one of them randomly.
; STR_SUBSTRING - This function accepts a string followed by a begin position and a length variable and it returns the appropriate substring.
; STR_CONTAINS - This function returns true if the first given string contains the second given string.
; STR_CONCAT - This function joins togther all the given strings into one string.
; SPEAKER_IS - This function accepts either AWACS/TOWER or ENTITY as parameter and returns TRUE if the current speaker is one of them
; STR_LENGTH - This function returns the length of the given string.
; SET_VAR - This function accepts two parameters a variable name and a value.
; GET_VAR - This function accepts one parameter the variable name, and it returns its value previosly set with SET_VAR().